What a great afternoon and evening with our Chinquapin neighbors!
Krista Robb and her team led a great hike into Panthertown Valley. If you would like to learn more about her organization, Friends of Panthertown, please visit Panthertown.org where there are great opportunities to support the work being done in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to conserve Panthertown Valley as a backcountry natural resource and to enable sustainable recreation. Panthertown Valley, known as the Yosemite of the East, is a beautiful example of how this type of stewardship serves the plateau and especially its immediate neighbors, like Chinquapin.
We make a difference at Panthertown Valley by helping maintain the trails. A work day is scheduled for September 24 - meet at the Salt Gap parking lot at 9am. Or better yet, use the CHOA WhatsApp group to invite your neighbors to join you!
Chinquapin residents Michele and Grant Campbell have issued a special challenge. The Campbells will match Chinquapin folks' donations of $500, matching up to a total of $2500! NOW is the time to give generously! To accept the challenge, donate HERE.
Want to learn more about trails? Join Friends of Panthertown for a "Sustainable Trails Training" in November. More information available HERE.